Our Values


It is the desire of IIMPACT that our youth continually hold themselves accountable to their community, relationships and interactions by operating in honesty, personal moral ethics and a sense of right and wrong.


We value our youth and our passion is for them to succeed. Therefore, it is the desire of IIMPACT that our youth take courage and remain optimistic, committed, and dedicated to their purpose, task and goals in the face of obstacles.



It is the desire of IIMPACT that our youth feel a sense of responsibility to those they serve. Therefore, it is our goal to model responsibility for our youth and teach them what it means to be reliable, follow through on their commitments and be accountable for their actions.


Self-respect and respect for others is strongly promoted in our organization. It is the desire of IIMPACT that our youth value and appreciate the various cultural, racial and ethnic differences and individuality of those they encounter and serve and that they interact with every individual in a highly respectful manner.

Contact Us

IIMPACT 333 S. Wabash Ave. #2700, Chicago, IL 60604